Star Wars Mobile by SaltyandSweet

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Star Wars nerds unite.

This mobile is for any Star Wars fan who can name the Rebel Alliance pilots by name, knows what Jawas mean when they yell “Utini!” and for those who remember the original three movies before Lucas doused them in his CGI/ Jar Jar Binks batter. Oh, and two words: metal bikini


Materials: laser cut 1/16″ solid black mat board
Size: approx. as large as a basketball when hung
Recommendations: For display purposes only. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid direct sunlight and excessive moisture.

Ah, to have your child indoctrinated into the Lucas realm, let them be familiar with the shadows of the most popular characters of the Star Wars universe, all before they can even speak!

SaltyandSweet via NerdApproved

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