“Exterminate All the Brutes” Review

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With Raoul Peck, Josh Hartnett, Denis Lyons, Caisa Ankarsparre. The path to the new world, an unsettling and intricate story of genocides. Conquest, slavery and the fabrication of “Whiteness”.

A four hour movie in four 1 hour parts, “Exterminate All The Brutes” is a tightly woven story of the act of genocide, how it happened in the past, how it’s happening now, and leaves us with the thought that it’s not a lack of knowledge of the situation, or a lack of awareness, but a lack motivation to do anything about it. There’s some fictional stuff thrown in with Josh Harnett and others that I don’t really care for, but the rest of the material is top notch and well worth your time, especially if you have HBOMax already.

I should also like to point out that there’s a fantastic Director’s Statement on the HBO site that I didn’t watch until after the entire thing was watched.  I’m not sure if watching it before I started would have impacted my impressions at all.

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