Intrada Releases Star Trek VI Complete Score

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Music Composed and Conducted by CLIFF EIDELMAN
INTRADA Special Collection MAF 7117

From its opening bars, Cliff Eidelmanā€™s music for Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country exhibits marked differences from previous Star Trek scores, known for their emphasis on the romantic voyage of the Enterprise and the heroism of its crew. The focus in this score is on darker music used more sparingly for the filmsā€™ antagonists. The Klingon music not only pervades the scoreā€”in a sense, it is the scoreā€”but characterizes the alien race quite differently than in previous films. In the opening cueā€”deliberately titled “Overture” as opposed to ” Main Title” ā€” the composer intended the rising-and-falling figure for cellos and double basses that opens the filmā€”inspired by The Firebirdā€”as the theme for another ā€œbird,ā€ the Klingon bird-of-prey. ā€œThat was there to help us feel the effects of something we canā€™t see, and in this film it really had to do with the Klingon ship that was cloaked,ā€ Eidelman recalls. ā€œIt had to do with the fact that itā€™s mysterious, itā€™s dangerous and we canā€™t see it, and that theme kind of represented that.” Later, Eidelman employs a sepulchral menā€™s chorus, a color absent from any previous Star Trek music. Ultimately, Eidelman establishes a mood in which chaos and havoc appear poised to triumph while heroism and valor struggle to be heard over the forces of darkness.


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